
Vacation Bible School 2025

Vacation Bible School Registration is available now on Flocknote. The cost is $10 per child and it will take place June 16, 2025- June 20, 2025 at. Blessed Sacrament Church. Children who want to participate can be registered at the following link: We are also looking for teens an adults…

Christmas Masses 2024

December 24 – Christmas Eve4:00 PM Blessed Sacrament Church4:00 PM St. James Church4:00 PM St. Mary Church9:00 PM Blessed Sacrament Church December 25 – Christmas Midnight Mass12:00 AM St. Mary Church December 25 – Christmas Day Mass8:30 AM St. Mary Church10:00 AM St. James Church11 :30 AM Blessed Sacrament Church

Mass Intentions 2025

The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for a loved one, living or deceased, is a beautiful part of our Catholic tradition. In our parish there are many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. Please keep in mind that your special day is usually someone else’s special day…

A New Way to Give

We’re setting up a new online giving tool here at St Teresa of Calcutta (Flocknote). We’ll be able to connect more easily and send out important updates. In the coming weeks. you can expect to see emails from the church (from the email address regarding online giving. These emails…

Apostolates and the Merger

Dear Brothers and sisters in Christ, Monday, July 1st will be the first day of St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish! I am honored to be the pastor of our united parish. Thank you for your support and prayers during this time of transition. Let us pray for unity and apostolic…

Bishop Bonnar’s Parish Merger Letter

As you know, since 2019 our diocese has been engaged in a regional plan centered on living the mission of the Church. Upon my arrival in 2021, I affirmed this plan, and in the past three years we have all worked together to embrace what Pope Francis calls, and I quote, a “missionary option,” that is, “a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church’s customs, ways of doing things, times and schedules, language and structures can be suitably channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation” (Joy of the Gospel,…