Apostolates are a major part of parish life at St. Teresa of Calcutta. Through apostolates, the faithful engage in the missionary activity of the Church in the areas of catechesis, prayer, community building, and service. Each apostolate is guided by a staff apostolate director. Most apostolates also have a steering committee, and bylaws. The staff apostolate director helps the apostolates to fit into the overarching structure of the parish, follow parish policies, and grow. The steering committee is comprised of parishioners from each church who direct the apostolate. Larger apostolates will hold periodic public meetings where all parishioners can learn about what is happening and offer input. The apostolate structure helps to organize, unify, and support lay involvement in the parish. It also provides staff support to the many areas of parish life. Register your interest today by filling out the form below.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult parishioners continue to grow in their faith through catechesis, Bible studies and group sharing. Activities include fall soup and bread series, the Catholicism series, Lenten soup and bread series,…
Coordinates the corporal works of mercy for the parish. “Caritas” means charity or acts of love. Activities include: food and emergency assistance through the Blessed Sacrament, St. James, and St….
Shares our Catholic faith with others through formal programs as well as person to person encounters. Activities include the Rescue Project, door to door vastation, the Italian American Festival evangelization…
Family Life
Fosters vibrant community life for families with young children. Activities include family movie nights, North Road Christmas, chalk on the walk, and the Easter story egg hunt. Staff Apostolate Director
Coordinates the “spiritual works of mercy” for the parish. JOY = Jesus, Others, You- putting Christ first, others second, and yourself last. Activities include: welcoming new parishioners, outreach for Baptisms,…
Assists the pastor to coordinate the liturgical life of the parish by preparing the liturgy and connecting parishioners to liturgical ministries. Activities include readers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion at…
Ministry of Motherhood (MOM) supports mothers in their spiritual journey and family responsibilities. Moms and children build relationships in a playful, loving environment. Weekly meetings are announced in the bulletin….
Parish Life
Coordinates social events to promote the bonds of community in the parish. Events include: Staff Apostolate Director
Religious Education
Forms disciples in the Catholic faith in grades K to 8 and adults converts. Activities include: CCD, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, Sacramental Preparation (Baptism, first Penance and Reconciliation, First…
Sacred Music
Enhances the Liturgy though the gift of music. Activities include adult choir, cantors, children’s choir, praise and worship holy hour, and sacred music events. Staff Apostolate Directors
Second Source Fundraising
Coordinates parish fundraising events and activities. The parish’s first and primary source of funding is the weekly collection. Second Source provides secondary sources of income through fundraising. Activities include: Staff…
Vocations Promotion
Promotes a full and faithful living out of the vocations of married life, priesthood, consecrated and religious life, and devout discipleship in the single life. We help those who are…
Young Adults
Our young adults (ages 19-39) come together in fellowship and to participate in service projects. For more please contact Sister Debra Marie at dmarie@warrencatholic.org or call the Blessed Sacrament Parish…
Youth Ministry
Grades 9-12 Our Youth Ministry Program is open to high school teens. It is an opportunity for our young people to come together with their peers for an encounter with…