Mass Intentions 2025

The practice of requesting a Mass to be offered for a loved one, living or deceased, is a beautiful part of our Catholic tradition. In our parish there are many requests for scheduling such Mass intentions. Please keep in mind that your special day is usually someone else’s special day too, and may already be taken. In order to be fair to everyone and allow as many households as possible to schedule their intention(s), the following guidelines have been developed for the 2025 calendar year.
- Mass intention requests for 2025 will begin on Monday, November 4, 2024 at St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish office, 3020 Reeves Rd. NE, Warren, Ohio 44483.
- The completed request form and payment are expected at the time of the request. Request forms will be available starting the weekend of October 5 & 6, 2024 at the parish office or at any of the church’s welcome desk or bulletin stands. Blank forms will be mailed upon request.
- Filled out forms can be mailed to St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish office along with payment (see address above) and will be scheduled promptly.
- Mass intentions will not be taken over the phone. If you are homebound or from out of town, please call the office for arrangements.
- Households can receive up to 2 Mass intentions per year. Choices are 1 weekend and 1 weekday or 2 weekdays. (2 weekend intentions will not be scheduled)
- “Shared Mass Intentions” means that two households can share one Mass for their loved ones, The 2025 “shared” Masses are: Saturdays at BSC and SMC, Mondays at SMC and Wednesdays at SJC. If you choose one of these days, your intention will be shared with someone else. Only these days are shared; all other days, one intention per Mass will be scheduled.
- All intentions will be based on a first come first serve bases.
- There are other ways to honor or remember your loved one such as flowers, candles or memorial bricks. More information will be in the bulletin featuring these memorials.