Brenda Antenucci

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Brenda Antenucci

Brenda Antenucci

Director of BSP Apostolates


Brenda is Director of Apostolates and Evangelization. She taught Language Arts, Religion and computer in both public and Catholic Schools for a total of 20 years. She was Director of Religious Education at Blessed Sacrament for 10 years. She currently helps organize and recruit volunteers for the Nursing Home and Homebound Ministry, card writing, phone ministry, consolation ministry, and is the staff contact/liaison for the St. Vincent dePaul Society, Woman’s and Men’s Prayer Groups, Boy Scouts, AA, and other parish outreach and evangelization efforts. She is also commissioned as a Lay leader of Prayer. Some other parish responsibilities include facilitating the child protection policy, VIRTUS, and registering new parishioners. She has been a member of Blessed Sacrament for 35 years, grew up in Warren, and converted from the Methodist faith to Catholicism in 1985. She has her Masters Degree in Religion and Pastoral Ministry from the Loyola in New Orleans extension program, LIMEX. She is happy to be a member of this staff and supports parishioners and their families as they journey in their faith.